Double-Action Candles… WtF are they?

Posted by Ande     Category: Candle Magic, Magick and Mojo

You have probably seen two-toned candles in metaphysical stores, expecially red and black ones. Wow, red and black – that looks like some kind of devil worshipping stuff, right? Not a bit of it.

multiple colors of double action candles

Black-topped red, white, and green double-action candles.

Double-action candles are indeed often found in black and red, but they are also made with white and green as well. There are other two-toned candles, such as Road Opener candles which are usually green and gold. Multi-toned candles that have no black are not usually thought of as “double action”, but instead are multiple manifestations of the same goal. Green and gold in Road Opener, for example, are colors used for money. Green represents growth and health, while gold/yellow represents energy, thought, and will. Together they both work to bring about a certain result. You occasionally see a yellow candle with a purple top, which is a Crown of Glory candle, and again the colors work together for the same goal.

Double-action, on the other hand, is two different purposes in one candle. The black on top represents the crossed condition that has to be burned away, while the color on the bottom is used to basically thumb one’s metaphysical nose at the perpetrator of the cross, to say my will is going to overcome your will in this matter. I’m going to succeed and strengthen my energy that you tried to quash. It’s rubbing your enemy’s nose in the fact that you have broken through their spell. It may not sound very Christian to be spiteful to your enemies, but this is Hoodoo, and it is often pretty self-centered like that. It’s just a different way of thinking, that’s all. Read more…