What is Raising Your Vibration and How to in 5 Minutes or Less

Posted by EarthRites     Category: Energy Work
 “Every intention sets energy into motion whether you are conscious of it or not.”~ Gary Zukav ~

Whether you are newly on your spiritual quest or have been walking your path for a while, you are sure to come across articles, books, or people talking about raising your vibration.  It sounds like a good idea, but what is it really?

When we are talking about vibrations, what we are referring to is our energy and its frequency. Think back to your days in elementary school, sitting in your science class.  We learned that atoms and ions are in everything and that they are in constant motion.  This is what we mean when we say everything is alive.  Everything is alive with energy but, not necessarily breathing.  Our energy is affected by our surrounding energy and vice versa.  At what level our energy vibrates is our frequency.

So why does it matter what our personal vibration frequency is?  Well, the universal life force, god, divine energy, or how ever you address it, is of the highest frequency.  When we align ourselves with this energy, we are more in tuned with the universe.  We are better able to communicate with the universe, our angels and our spirit guides, live a more spiritual and happy life, open ourselves to new gifts and create real magic in our everyday lives.

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Cleansing and Charging Gemstones: The Difference and How To

Posted by EarthRites     Category: Crystals and Minerals, Energy Work

There is a plethora of information on the Internet on how to cleanse and charge gemstones, but I often find the information given a little misleading. Usually I will read something like “Cleanse and charge your gemstone by…”. Although not completely wrong, it’s not exactly correct either.

I understand why many people lump these two together. There is so much information to give that one can easily write a book about this. But do not be mistaken, cleansing and charging your gemstone are two different things and therefore may require two different procedures. By understanding the difference, it makes it much easier to identify which it is your gemstones and crystals need as well as deciding how to proceed.

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Tarot Prosperity Spell

Posted by Morika     Category: Magick and Mojo, Prosperity in All Its Forms

Well….what I am hearing a LOT of and I am sure you are is people talking about money; mostly the lack thereof.  Other things I am hearing in terms of prosperity and abundance is the lack of time, the lack of friendships….and unfortunately, some are dealing with “food insecurity” among many other depletions in their lives.  This is hard.  This is real life.  This is what we deal with on a daily basis.   You know…. when you’re in the shower alone and nobody sees you… the tears that just flow or maybe you’re so overwrought, you can’t even cry.  All due to a lack of something in your life.  That negative “lack” has an unfortunate side effect.  It actually is ACTIVE.  The more the lack is dwelled upon, the more it seems to attract other negatives (arguing with spouses, children, etc; traffic tickets; overlooked tasks, etc.) into your life.  There’s one word I can think of right now.


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