Getting a Business Started, Part Two: Customers

Posted by admin     Category: Business Talk, Starting Up


You know what you like to make, but do you know who your target audience is?

This might sound like a ridiculous question. You might be thinking, “I make beaded jewelry, so anyone who likes beaded jewelry is my target audience.” If this is what’s going through your head, you have much to learn.

We’ve kind of begun the series with an imaginary seller of handmade jewelry, so I’ll keep that example all the way through the articles, but what I’m writing about is going to apply no matter what you make. So just go with it, and apply what I’m discussing to your own craft.

By all means, if you have questions, please ask them in the comments section! That way everyone can learn from your question (including me).

So, back to our Crafter. Let’s assume the items are of good quality, visually appealing, made by someone who knows their technique pretty well. Our Crafter is a nice person who enjoys stringing beads, making bracelets, earrings, and necklaces.

You know, I feel we’ll need a name, so I’ll just grab one out of the hat and go with Marla. And now we can properly speak of her in the third person. Ah, literary devices!

Marla has come in my store with a box of handmade stuff. I don’t have time for her, because it’s a very busy day, tons of customers, and on top of that I’ve just got in a shipment of magick widgets that have to be entered in the computer, priced, and put on display. So I ask her to briefly describe what all she has there in the box, so I can determine if I want to take her card and try to look at her website from my phone the next time I have a minute.

Marla says, “beaded jewelry.” I ask her what kind of beaded jewelry. “Natural stones,” she replies. Okay, that’s pretty good, I like natural stones.

“Who’s the target audience?” I ask, because maybe I have too much of one kind and need to diversify, the season’s changing, the moon is in outer space, or some other vaporous reason of my own. “Do you have a specific style? What age group people would like your stuff?”

Marla looks like a deer caught in the headlights. “I use natural stones, so people who like natural jewelry–”

And she’s thinking, “I make nice stuff, everyone will love it, what a stupid question.” Read more…

Get Ready to Contact Ancestral Spirits by Getting Rid of Spirits…?? Huh?

Posted by Morika     Category: Energy Work, Fall, Herbs and Plants, Samhain, Seasonal Thoughts, Smudging


It’s Samhain!  October 2012 is here and what a year it has been!  This is definitely the “high time” if you are Pagan and/or a Witch where contacting “ghosts” is quite the norm.  As most of us know, Samhain/Halloween is the time where the veil between the worlds (our world and the otherworld) is at its thinnest and easiest to cross through to reach, contact and visit with our ancestors and/or anybody else that we choose that has passed from this physical plane.

Creepy Samhain House
Creepy Samhain House

Because of this, I thought it would be a great idea to give you a quick little spell that you can do BEFORE Samhain eve to clear your home from any negative energies and/or entities that you do not want roaming about, prior to your performing your Samhain ritual so that the canvas is cleared so-to-speak and you have a clean slate in which to invite the guest or guests of your choosing.
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What is Raising Your Vibration and How to in 5 Minutes or Less

Posted by EarthRites     Category: Energy Work
 “Every intention sets energy into motion whether you are conscious of it or not.”~ Gary Zukav ~

Whether you are newly on your spiritual quest or have been walking your path for a while, you are sure to come across articles, books, or people talking about raising your vibration.  It sounds like a good idea, but what is it really?

When we are talking about vibrations, what we are referring to is our energy and its frequency. Think back to your days in elementary school, sitting in your science class.  We learned that atoms and ions are in everything and that they are in constant motion.  This is what we mean when we say everything is alive.  Everything is alive with energy but, not necessarily breathing.  Our energy is affected by our surrounding energy and vice versa.  At what level our energy vibrates is our frequency.

So why does it matter what our personal vibration frequency is?  Well, the universal life force, god, divine energy, or how ever you address it, is of the highest frequency.  When we align ourselves with this energy, we are more in tuned with the universe.  We are better able to communicate with the universe, our angels and our spirit guides, live a more spiritual and happy life, open ourselves to new gifts and create real magic in our everyday lives.

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